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AOC 2024, Day 01: Tackling Historian Hysteria

Advent of Code 2024 is here, and as always on Day 1, it starts with a simpler challenge: Historian Hysteria. In this post, we will primarily provide solutions in both C# and F#, showcasing the beauty of solving problems in multiple languages.

Elf Shenanigans

In Day 1 of Advent of Code 2024, we are given two lists of location IDs. The goal is to:

  1. Find the total distance between the two lists after sorting and comparing corresponding pairs.
  2. Calculate a similarity score based on how often each number in the first list appears in the second.

Part 1: Distance Between Sorted Lists

To solve Part 1, we need to:

  • Sort both lists.
  • Compare each corresponding pair of numbers.
  • Sum the absolute differences between the pairs.

Part 2: Calculating the Similarity Score

For Part 2, we calculate a similarity score by:

  • Adding up each number from the left list.
  • Multiplying each number by how many times it appears in the right list.

Santa's Ingenious Solutions

using AdventOfCode.Lib;

namespace AdventOfCode.Y2024;

[AocPuzzle(2024, 1, "Historian Hysteria", "C#")]
public sealed class Day01 : IAocDay<int>
    public static int Part1(AocInput input) => input.AllLines
        .Pipe(lines =>
            var left = Instructions(lines, 0);
            var right = Instructions(lines, 1);
            return left.Zip(right, (l, r) => Math.Abs(l - r)).Sum();

    public static int Part2(AocInput input) => input.AllLines
        .Pipe(lines =>
            var left = Instructions(lines, 0);
            var counts = Instructions(lines, 1).CountBy(i => i).ToDictionary();
            return left.Sum(id => counts.GetValueOrDefault(id) * id);

    private static IEnumerable<int> Instructions(IEnumerable<string> lines, int col) =>
        from line in lines
        let nums = line.Split("   ").Select(int.Parse).ToArray()
        orderby nums[col]
        select nums[col];
open AdventOfCode.Lib

[<AocPuzzle(2024, 1, "Historian Hysteria", "F#")>]
module Fay01 =

    let instructions (lines: string seq) (col: int) =
        |> (fun line -> line.Split "   " |> int)
        |> Seq.sortBy (fun nums -> nums[col])
        |> (fun nums -> nums[col])

    let part1 (input: AocInput) =
        let column = instructions input.Lines
        let left = column 0
        let right = column 1 left right |> (fun x -> abs (fst x - snd x)) |> Seq.sum

    let part2 (input: AocInput) =
        let column = instructions input.Lines
        let left = column 0
        let counts = column 1 |> Seq.countBy id |> Map.ofSeq

        let getCount id =
            Map.tryFind id counts |> Option.defaultValue 0

        left |> Seq.sumBy (fun id -> getCount id * id)
from collections import Counter

def instructions(lines: list[str], col: int) -> list[int]:
    return sorted(int(line.split("   ")[col]) for line in lines)

def part1(input: AocInput) -> int:
    return sum(abs(l - r) for l, r in zip(instructions(input.lines, 0), instructions(input.lines, 1)))

def part2(input: AocInput) -> int:
    left = instructions(input.lines, 0)
    counts = Counter(instructions(input.lines, 1))
    return sum([counts[id] * id for id in left])

Santa's & Elves' Reflections

Day 1 of Advent of Code 2024 introduced an interesting puzzle, involving sorting and comparing lists of historical location IDs.

Check out the repository for solutions: AdventOfCode & AdventOfCode.Lib.