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AOC 2024, Day 04: Ceres Search

Day 4 of Advent of Code 2024, Ceres Search, challenges us with a word search on the Ceres monitoring station. In this puzzle, we're tasked with finding instances of the word "XMAS" in various directions, and later, identifying X-MAS patterns shaped as an 'X'.

Elf Shenanigans

The input consists of a grid of characters, and we need to find occurrences of the word "XMAS" both normally and in the form of an X-MAS pattern.

For the first part, we are asked to locate every instance of the word "XMAS" in the grid. The word can appear horizontally, vertically, diagonally, or in reverse.

Part 2: X-MAS Pattern

In the second part, we're looking for an X-shaped pattern where "MAS" appears in both arms of the X. Each "MAS" can appear forwards or backwards.

Santa's Ingenious Solutions

using System.Collections.Frozen;
using System.Numerics;
using AdventOfCode.Lib;
using Map = System.Collections.Frozen.FrozenDictionary<AdventOfCode.Y2024.Point, char>;

namespace AdventOfCode.Y2024;

[AocPuzzle(2024, 4, "Ceres Search", "C#")]
public sealed class Day04 : IAocDay<int>
    public static int Part1(AocInput input) =>
                map =>
                    from point in map.Keys
                    from direction in new[] { Point.East, Point.SouthEast, Point.South, Point.SouthWest }
                    select SearchWord(map, "XMAS", point, direction)
            .Pipe(matches => matches.Count(m => m));

    public static int Part2(AocInput input) =>
                map =>
                    from point in map.Keys
                    select SearchWord(map, "MAS", point + Point.NorthWest, Point.SouthEast) &&
                        SearchWord(map, "MAS", point + Point.SouthWest, Point.NorthEast)
            .Pipe(matches => matches.Count(m => m));

    private static bool SearchWord(Map map, string pattern, Point point, Point direction)
        var len = pattern.Length;
        char[] chars = [..Enumerable.Range(0, len).Select(i => map.GetValueOrDefault(point + direction * i))];
        return chars.SequenceEqual(pattern) || chars.SequenceEqual(pattern.Reverse());

    private static Map ParseMap(string[] lines) => (
        from y in Enumerable.Range(0, lines.Length)
        from x in Enumerable.Range(0, lines[0].Length)
        select KeyValuePair.Create(new Point(x, y), lines[y][x])
open AdventOfCode.Lib

[<AocPuzzle(2024, 4, "Ceres Search", "F#")>]
module Fay04 =

    open Lib

    let parseMap (lines: string array) : Map<Point, char> =
        |> Array.indexed
        |> Array.collect (fun (y, line) -> [|
            for x, c in line |> Seq.toArray |> Array.indexed -> { X = x; Y = y }, c
        |> Map.ofArray

    let searchWord (map: Map<Point, char>) (pattern: string) (p: Point) (dir: Point) =
        let chars = [
            for i in 0 .. pattern.Length - 1 -> map.TryFind (p + dir * i) |> Option.defaultValue ' '

        chars = Seq.toList pattern || chars = Seq.toList (Seq.rev pattern)

    let searchXmas (map: Map<Point, char>) =
        let directions = [ Point.East; Point.SouthEast; Point.South; Point.SouthWest ]
        let searchMapForXmas = searchWord map "XMAS"

        |> Seq.collect (fun p -> directions |> (searchMapForXmas p))
        |> Seq.filter id

    let searchXmasShape (map: Map<Point, char>) =
        let searchMapForXmasShape = searchWord map "MAS"

        |> Seq.filter (fun p ->
            searchMapForXmasShape (p + Point.NorthWest) Point.SouthEast
            && searchMapForXmasShape (p + Point.SouthWest) Point.NorthEast)

    let part1 (input: AocInput) =
        input.AllLines |> parseMap |> searchXmas |> Seq.length

    let part2 (input: AocInput) =
        input.AllLines |> parseMap |> searchXmasShape |> Seq.length
from aoc.core import AocInput
from collections import defaultdict
from dataclasses import astuple, dataclass
from functools import partial

@dataclass(frozen=True, slots=True)
class Point:
    x: int
    y: int

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(astuple(self))

    def North():
        return Point(0, -1)

    def NorthEast():
        return Point(1, -1)

    def East():
        return Point(1, 0)

    def SouthEast():
        return Point(1, 1)

    def South():
        return Point(0, 1)

    def SouthWest():
        return Point(-1, 1)

    def West():
        return Point(-1, 0)

    def NorthWest():
        return Point(-1, -1)

    def __add__(self, point: "Point") -> "Point":
        if isinstance(point, Point) is False:
            return NotImplemented
        return Point(self.x + point.x, self.y + point.y)

    def __mul__(self, factor: int) -> "Point":
        if isinstance(factor, int) is False:
            return NotImplemented
        return Point(self.x * factor, self.y * factor)

Map = defaultdict[Point, str]

def parse_map(lines: list[str]) -> Map:
    return defaultdict(str, {Point(x, y): c for y, l in enumerate(lines) for x, c in enumerate(l)})

def search_word(map: Map, pattern: str, p: Point, dir: Point) -> bool:
    chars = [map.get(p + dir * i) for i in range(0, len(pattern))]
    return chars == list(pattern) or chars == list(reversed(pattern))

def search_xmas(map: Map) -> list[bool]:
    directions = [Point.East(), Point.SouthEast(), Point.South(), Point.SouthWest()]
    search_map_for_xmas = partial(search_word, map, "XMAS")
    return [search_map_for_xmas(p, dir) for p in map.keys() for dir in directions]

def search_xmas_shape(map: Map) -> list[bool]:
    search_map_for_xmas_shape = partial(search_word, map, "MAS")
    return [
        search_map_for_xmas_shape(p + Point.NorthWest(), Point.SouthEast())
        and search_map_for_xmas_shape(p + Point.SouthWest(), Point.NorthEast())
        for p in map.keys()

def part1(input: AocInput) -> int:
    return sum(search_xmas(parse_map(input.lines)))

def part2(input: AocInput) -> int:
    return sum(search_xmas_shape(parse_map(input.lines)))

Santa's & Elves' Reflections

Day 4 of Advent of Code 2024 presents a difficult challenge in pattern matching and grid traversal. The key to solving both parts lies in recognizing all possible directions and orientations of the word "XMAS" and "X-MAS". The problem is a great exercise in multi-directional searching and leveraging grid-based operations.

Check out the repository for solutions: AdventOfCode & AdventOfCode.Lib.