AOC 2024, Day 06: Guard Gallivant¶
Day 6 of Advent of Code 2024, Guard Gallivant, brings us toNorth Pole prototype suit manufacturing lab... in the year 1518, where we are challenged to track the movement of a guard in a maze-like environment full of obstacles.
Elf Shenanigans¶
Part 1: Simulating the Guard's Patrol Path¶
In the first part, we are given a map and asked to simulate the movement of the guard. The guard starts at a specific position and moves forward in a direction unless obstructed. When encountering an obstacle (#
), the guard rotates to the right and continues moving.
The solution involves simulating this process and counting the number of distinct positions the guard visits before returning to a previously visited position.
Part 2: Introducing Obstacles to Create Patrol Loops¶
In the second part, the task becomes more complex. We must update the map by replacing some open spaces (.
) with obstacles (#
) and check if that causes the guard to revisit any previously visited positions. The goal is to determine how many such changes can create a loop in the patrol route.
Santa's Ingenious Solutions¶
using AdventOfCode.Lib;
using PatrolMap = System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<AdventOfCode.Lib.Point, char>;
namespace AdventOfCode.Y2024;
[AocPuzzle(2024, 6, "Guard Gallivant", "C#")]
public sealed class Day06 : IAocDay<int>
public static int Part1(AocInput input) =>
.Pipe(lines =>
var map = ParsePatrolMap(lines);
var start = LocateGuardStart(map, '^');
return TrackGuardRoute(map, start);
.Pipe(route => route.Positions.Count);
public static int Part2(AocInput input) =>
.Pipe(lines =>
var map = ParsePatrolMap(lines);
var start = LocateGuardStart(map, '^');
return TrackGuardRoute(map, start).Positions.Where(p => map[p] is '.')
.Sum(open =>
var updatedMap = UpdateMap(map, '#', open);
var (_, loop) = TrackGuardRoute(updatedMap, start);
return loop ? 1 : 0;
private static PatrolMap UpdateMap(PatrolMap map, char obstacle, Point position) =>
map.ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Key == position ? obstacle : kvp.Value);
private static GuardRoute TrackGuardRoute(PatrolMap map, Point start)
var position = start;
var patrol = new PatrolState(start, Point.North);
var visited = new HashSet<PatrolState>();
while (map.ContainsKey(patrol.Position) && visited.Add(patrol))
patrol = map.GetValueOrDefault(patrol.Position + patrol.Direction) switch
'#' => patrol with { Direction = Point.RotateRight(patrol.Direction) },
_ => patrol with { Position = position += patrol.Direction }
return new GuardRoute(visited.Select(s => s.Position).ToHashSet(), visited.Contains(patrol));
private static Point LocateGuardStart(PatrolMap map, char c) =>
map.Single(p => p.Value == c).Key;
private static PatrolMap ParsePatrolMap(string[] lines) => (
from y in Enumerable.Range(0, lines.Length)
from x in Enumerable.Range(0, lines[0].Length)
select KeyValuePair.Create(new Point(x, y), lines[y][x])
private readonly record struct PatrolState(Point Position, Point Direction);
private readonly record struct GuardRoute(HashSet<Point> Positions, bool Loop);
open AdventOfCode.Lib
[<AocPuzzle(2024, 6, "Guard Gallivant", "F#")>]
module Fay06 =
open Lib
type PatrolMap = Map<Point, char>
type Positions = Set<Point>
type PatrolState = { Position: Point; Direction: Point }
type GuardRoute = { Positions: Positions; Loop: bool }
let parsePatrolMap (lines: string array) =
|> Array.indexed
|> Array.collect (fun (y, line) -> [|
for x, c in line |> Seq.toArray |> Array.indexed -> { X = x; Y = y }, c
|> Map.ofArray
let locateGuardStart (map: PatrolMap) (c: char) =
map |> Seq.find (fun kvp -> kvp.Value = c) |> _.Key
let trackGuardRoute (map: PatrolMap) (start: Point) =
let rec track (visited: Set<PatrolState>) (patrol: PatrolState) =
if map.ContainsKey patrol.Position && not (visited.Contains patrol) then
let visited = visited.Add patrol
match map.TryFind(patrol.Position + patrol.Direction) |> Option.defaultValue ' ' with
| '#' ->
track visited {
patrol with
Direction = Point.rotateRight patrol.Direction
| _ ->
track visited {
patrol with
Position = patrol.Position + patrol.Direction
Positions = visited |> _.Position |> Set.ofSeq
Loop = visited.Contains patrol
track Set.empty { Position = start; Direction = Point.North }
let updateMap (map: PatrolMap) (obstacle: char) (position: Point) =
map |> (fun k v -> if k = position then obstacle else v)
let part1 (input: AocInput) =
|> parsePatrolMap
|> (fun map -> (map, locateGuardStart map '^'))
|> (fun (map, start) -> trackGuardRoute map start)
|> _.Positions
|> Set.count
let part2 (input: AocInput) =
let map = parsePatrolMap input.AllLines
let start = locateGuardStart map '^'
let route = trackGuardRoute map start
|> _.Positions
|> Set.filter (fun p -> map[p] = '.')
|> Seq.sumBy (fun obstacle ->
let updatedMap = updateMap map '#' obstacle
let route = trackGuardRoute updatedMap start
route |> _.Loop |> (fun loop -> if loop then 1 else 0))
Santa's & Elves' Reflections¶
Day 6 of Advent of Code 2024 presented a challenging maze-like puzzle where we had to track the guard's movements and determine whether the guard revisited a position or got stuck in a loop.
Check out the repository for solutions: AdventOfCode & AdventOfCode.Lib.