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Linux Basics

Essential Commands

List Directory Contents

Command Purpose
ls Lists the contents of the current directory
ls -sS Lists files sorted by size and shows their sizes
ls -l Displays detailed information about files
ls -a Shows hidden files (files starting with a dot)
ls -lh Lists files with human-readable sizes

Change Directory

Command Purpose
cd <name> Navigate to a specified directory
cd .. Move up one directory level
cd - Switch to the previous directory
cd ~ Return to the home directory
cd /path/to/directory Jump directly to an absolute path
Command Purpose
pwd Displays the current directory path
Command Purpose
echo <text> Prints the specified text
echo $PWD Displays the current directory environment variable
echo $USER Displays the current user's username
echo "Hello" > file.txt Writes text to a file

Make a Directory

Command Purpose
mkdir <directory_name> Creates a new directory
mkdir -p <path/to/dir> Creates nested directories as needed
mkdir -p projects/{project1,project2} Creates structured directories

Create a New File

Command Purpose
touch <file_name> Creates an empty file
touch existing_file.txt Updates the timestamp of an existing file
touch file1.txt file2.txt Creates multiple files at once

Remove Files or Directories

Command Purpose
rm <file_name> Deletes a specified file
rm -i Prompts for confirmation before deletion
rm -rf <directory_name> Forcefully deletes a directory and its contents
rm *.log Deletes all .log files in the directory
find . -name "*.tmp" -exec rm {} + Deletes files by criteria

Read File Contents

Command Purpose
cat <file_name> Displays the contents of a file
cat <file_name> -n Displays file contents with line numbers
cat file1 file2 > combined.txt Combines multiple files into one
cat /var/log/syslog | grep error Example of searching for logs

Copy Files or Directories

Command Purpose
cp <source> <destination> Copies a file to a new location
cp -r src_dir dest_dir Copies directories recursively
cp -u <file> backup/ Copies only newer files

Move or Rename Files

Command Purpose
mv <source> <destination> Moves or renames a file
mv <file1> <file2> <destination_directory> Moves multiple files
mv old_dir new_dir Renames a directory
mv *.txt documents/ Organizes files by type

Show Command Path

Command Purpose
which <command> Shows where a command is located

Change File Permissions

Command Purpose
chmod <options> <file> Modifies file permissions

Change File Ownership

Command Purpose
chown <owner>:<group> <file> Changes the owner and group of a file

Execute Commands as Superuser

Command Purpose
sudo <command> Runs a command with administrative privileges

Search Text in Files

Command Purpose
grep <pattern> <file> Searches for a pattern in a file

Stream Editor

Command Purpose
sed 's/pattern/replace/' <file> Replace text in a file

Get Absolute File Path

Command Purpose
realpath <file> Displays the absolute path of a file